Raffaele Damen – “accordionist”
Raffaele Damen was born in Pesaro, Italy. He has been lucky to study accordion with Maestro Paolo Vignani from the Conservatory “G. Rossini” of Pesaro , graduating with full marks and honours. He deepened his studies by Erasmus project at the Folkwang Universität der Künste of Essen in Germany with Maestro Mie Miki, and attended master classes with Claudio Jacomucci, Pavel Feniuk, Stefan Hussong, Matti Rantanen and Vuijin Vasovic , always receiving compliments. Currently he plays with several chamber music ensembles: “Tango Nuevo Latin Jazz” by Paolo Giaro and in the duo “Duhell-Project” (accordion-piano). He has been invited by the Dutch Italian Cultural Institute to perform in the concert series “Italiaanse concerten aan de Keizersgracht” in Amsterdam, the “Accordéons-Nous” Festival in Mons,
Society of Music and Theatre “Primo Riccitelli”, Ente Concerti of Pesaro and he performed for the Italian national television (RAI). As a soloist, he performs in major music festivals and theaters in Italy and abroad (Belgium, Germany, Oland, South Korea, Switzerland). He won the first absolute prize in the prestigious accordion competition: “Stresa International Music Competition”, “Val Tidone Competition”, “Antonio Salieri International Young Musicians Competition- Legnago” “Città Piove di Sacco”; and the second prize in the “Luigi Nono Competition – Tourin”.
In 2014 has been the best european performer in Castelfidardo Accordion Competition (PIF), in the same year he reaches the podium of the prestigious competition “Premio Abbado”. Togheder with the composer Danilo Comitini, working about new contemporary pieces for accordion solo. His repertoire ranges from J.S. Bach to the contemporary music by L. Berio.
Esibizione – Accordeons-nous.org 39°Festival – Mons – Belgio
La strepitosa esibizione di “Mediterraneo” a Italia’s Got Talent del 28 /4 /2017 è disponibile sul sito ufficiale di IGT al seguente link http://italiasgottalent.it/showvideo/340066/raffaele-damen-e-i-suoni-del-mediterraneo/28-04-2017/